This fish is known as
Wrasse and the correct latin name is
Halichoeres poecilopterus. The family that this marine fish species belongs to is called the
Wrasses family. (
e) It's origin is
Western Pacific. (
Character and suggestions regarding care
This is a peaceful fish.
Wrasse can grow up to 34 cm what is approximately 13 inches. So 1 specimen requires at least 4080cm
2 of water surface which is approximately 632 square inch. We recommend you to keep it in fish tanks which are large. (
e) Medium aquariums have at least 113 Litres (30 US Gallons). Large aquariums have at least 265 Litres (70 US Gallons). Very large aquariums have at least 700 Litres (185 US Gallons).
It is not very difficult to keep the Wrasse fish. (
e) The specific gravity (SG) should be between 1,020 and 1,025, the temperature between 23°C (73.4°F) and 26°C (78.8°F). The pH level should be stable, varying between 8.0 and 8.3 which is usual for marine fish.

Related fish profiles in the database
- Bodianus Anthioides (Lyretail Hogfish, Forktail Hogfish)
- Bodianus Bimaculatus (Twinspot Hogfish)
- Bodianus Diana (Red Diana Hogfish, Diana’s Hogfish)
- Bodianus Pulchellus (Cuban Hogfish, Spotfin Hogfish)
- Bodianus Rufus (Spanish Hogfish)
- Cheilinus Chlorourus (Floral Wrasse)
- Cheilinus Lunulatus (Broomtail Wrasse)
- Cheilinus Undulatus (Humphead Wrasse)
- Cheilio Inermis (Cigar Wrasse)
- Choerodon Azurio (Scarbreast Tuskfish)
- Choerodon Fasciatus (Harlequin Tuskfish)
- Cirrhilabrus Cyanopleura (Blue Head Fairy Wrasse)
- Cirrhilabrus Exquisitus (Exquisite Wrasse)
- Cirrhilabrus Rubrisquamis (Red Velvet Wrasse)
- Cirrhilabrus Rubriventralis (Red Parrot Fairy Wrasse, Social Wrasse)
- Cirrhilabrus Solorensis (Painted Fairy Wrasse, Rainbow Fairy Wrasse)
- Coris Aygula (Clown Coris)
- Coris Formosa (Queen Coris)
- Coris Frerei (Formosa Wrasse, Queen Coris)
- Coris Gaimard (Yellowtail Coris)
- Coris Julis (Mediterranean Rainbow Wrasse)
- Epibulus Insidiator (Slingjaw Wrasse)
- Gomphosus Caeruleus (Green Birdmouth Wrasse)
- Gomphosus Varius (Brown Bird Wrasse)
- Halichoeres Chloropterus (Green Wrasse)
- Halichoeres Chrysus (Golden Coris Wrasse)
- Halichoeres Cyanocephalus (Lighting Wrasse)
- Halichoeres Hortulanus (Checkerboard Wrasse)
- Halichoeres Iridis (Radiant Wrasse)
- Halichoeres Leucoxanthus (Whitebelly Wrasse)
- Halichoeres Maculipinna (Clown Wrasse)
- Halichoeres Marginatus (Dusky Wrasse)
- Halichoeres Melanurus (Tail-Pot Wrasse)
- Halichoeres Scapularis (Zigzag Wrasse)
- Hemigymnus Fasciatus (Five Banded Wrasse, Barred Thicklip)
- Hemigymnus Melapterus (Blackeye Thicklip)
- Hologymnosus Annulatus (Ring wrasse)
- Labroides Bicolor (Bicolor Cleaner Wrasse)
- Labroides Dimidiatus (Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse)
- Larabicus Quadrilineatus (Fourline Wrasse, Four Line Cleaner Wrasse, Red Sea Cleaner Wrasse)
- Macropharyngodon Negrosensis (Yellowspotted Wrasse)
- Novaculichthys Taeniourus (Rockmover Wrasse)
- Oxycheilinus Mentalis (Mental Wrasse)
- Paracheilinus Lineopunctatus (Spot-Lined Flasher)
- Pseudocheilinus Hexataenia (Six Line Wrasse)
- Pseudojuloides Erythrops (Redeye Wrasse)
- Stethojulis Trilineata (Three-Lined Rainbowfish, Blue-Ribbon Wrasse)
- Symphodus Tinca (East Atlantic Peacock Wrasse)
- Thalassoma Duperrey (Saddle Wrasse)
- Thalassoma Hardwicke (Sixbar Wrasse)
- Thalassoma Lucasanum (Cortez Rainbow Wrasse)
- Thalassoma Lunare (Moon Wrasse)
- Thalassoma Pavo (Ornate Wrasse)
- Thalassoma Rueppellii (Klunzinger’s Wrasse)
Recommended readingBy Exotic Aquariums
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Halichoeres poecilopterus below. Every message will be held for approval by our moderators. It usually takes 24 hours to publish your comment. Before you ask anything, browse the
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Document modified on Fri Dec 14 9:24:29 UTC 2007
Document created on Fri Dec 14 9:24:29 UTC 2007
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